Tuesday, 8 February 2011


My new foster dog is Reginald, who is 8 years old, placid and gentle, but very scared and stressed, so he's staying with me for a while to settle down in a quiet environment and hopefully get stronger.  He arrived at the Dog's Home as a stray, but wasn't claimed, then he was adopted out for a short time, but brought back.  The noise and activity at the home isn't good for him, and he pants and trembles and his bottom jaw would quiver.   A couple of years ago, the home had a hound dog who was so frightened and damaged, he had to be put down.  Everything was tried to make him better, but nothing worked, so it was deemed his quality of life was zilch.  I don't want that to happen to Reginald.  So, fingers crossed.


  1. I'm sure at your place that boy will soon be living up to his very 'gentlemanly' name. Hope your nasty summer cold has left.

  2. I do hope Reginald finds a gentle home to live in, he looks a lovely boy.

  3. he looks really nice I hope it all works out for him

  4. lovely reggie !
    he is just like our smithie x border except browner - they have sucha gentle temperament - so tolerant of two year olds (a few times over !).


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