Willy |
When I got to the
Dog's Home this morning,
Shandy was being test driven by a couple, so let's hope they like her enough to take her home. And
Tibby was still there, plodding along on her tiny short legs. At 12 years old, I hope someone takes her home. She gets a bit puffed going up hills. And
Deena was still there, affectionate as ever and very happy to go for a walk. But the good news is that Montali, long term resident of the Home, who was transferred to Hobart, is being fostered out with a view to adoption. Let's hope they have good high fences because
Montali is a jumper. But after the years she's been at the home, I hope she gets adopted and it works out for her. I haven't blogged about Willy, the foxhound before, but he's found a new home. Willy would have to be the strongest dog ever. He knocked me onto my backside once, which was quite funny. Wolfie was a wolfhound cross who seemed to get more erratic every time I walked him, but after being transferred to Hobart, he's found a new home. Being locked up for a good part of the day wasn't doing him much good at all.
Hope they know,(dogs and humans)how lucky they are to have you visit the dogs home.