Sunday 23 October 2011


It was nice to read this morning that the Victorian government is finally getting tough on illegal puppy farms.  Next on the hit list should be pet shops and backyard breeders.  All those dogs at shelters and homes must come from somewhere, and why should they be born, only to be euthanased at a young age because nobody wants them.  As far as I know, as a humble volunteer, the Dog's Homes of Tasmania do not put down healthy dogs. 


  1. That is such good news and the dogs are so lucky you are a volunteer. That's a very funny (and true) picture!!!

  2. Hello Melinda,
    I just came across your Blog and when I saw your doggie volunteer blogs I knew I just wanted to follow your news. I just recently adopted a gorgeous Labradoodle from the RSPCA and I would love to be a volunteer there but as I work three days a week atm, I can't give as much time as I would like to and still spend time with my own two girls. If you want to see Lila, pop over to my blog: Bits 'n Bobs


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