Friday 11 February 2011

Dream Dog

When Reginald gets stressed, he wheezes like an asthmatic, but with an added whistle from his mouth.  And when he sleeps, he snores, snuffles, grunts and snorts.  When he eats, he gurgles, pings, twangs, burps, and later farts.  He makes us laugh.  The rest of the time, he's good as gold.  He has none of the annoying habits, like barking, jumping, digging, licking, chewing or pulling on the lead.  So I'm keeping him to a routine, so as not to turn him into a spoilt demanding sook.  He doesn't like his kennel and prefers to sleep on the doorstep, so we took the front off to make it more open and he likes it a bit better:


  1. those eyes just melt me are a it that you thought to take the front off the claustrophobia for Reginald thanks to you... he is still looking a bit timid in the last pic but enjoying the love and care i am sure...cant take away the terror or trauma in a day or two but you are working on it and he is allowing it .... keep up the good work as i know you will

  2. I can tell Reginald likes his 'new' kennel!!!
    What a good boy he is.

  3. Poor boy there should be some rules about looking after a dog befor these type of folks can buy a dog

  4. Good job on being so caring for sweet Reggie.

  5. Reginald is beautiful. Thank goodness he is in such caring hands now,
    Susan x

  6. Reginald is so gorgeous, I bet he's loving your caring environment.


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